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Mesh Rashi 2022 (Mesh Lagan) साल 2022 मेष लग्न के जातकों के लिए मिला-जुला फल देने वाला है। साल के प्रथम तीन माह संतान, उच्च शिक्षा, एवं निवेश इत्यादि मामलों
(2022 ka Rashifal – Interpretations based on the Systemsʻ Approach to Vedic Astrology) Sun transits from 16.07 Sagittarius to 16.40 Capricorn in January, from 16.40 Capricorn to 16.58 Aquarius till
Astrology is a profession that aims at helping the human that is suffering by proving them on the right path and instructing them for the unseen future by giving them
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