
Learn vedic astrology through astrology course online. Online astrology course helps to learn jyotish course through professional astrology course and one can learn indian astrology course quickly and can become an expert through jyotish shastra course. 



Are you looking for an online astrology consultation, astrology predictions or kundali online? Here you get a consultation from India’s one of the most famous Astrologer Aman Deep Saini – Member of Systems Institute of Hindu Astrology (SIHA), Gurgaon, India & Member of International Institute of Predictive Astrology (IIPA), USA. Astrologer Aman Deep Saini founded AstroSatva Counseling Services to provide genuine astrology solutions and online astrology courses. He is known as the best astrologer in Delhi NCR providing online astrology consultation and has a vast knowledge of Astrology. He has served thousand of clients worldwide through his Premium online astrology consultation services on phone and video call. 

These premium online astrology consultation services are unique of their kind. No matter what area of life becomes challenging for you, astrologer Aman is capable enough to provide you proper astrological guidance. You just need to book any of the online astrology consultation service from available services below and your issues will get addressed through genuine guidance. We have subject matter experts on our panel and they work as a team in providing solutions to your problems. These subject matter experts handle issues with respect to the Spiritual plane, Mental plane, as well as Physical plane cohesively for the overall well being of the person seeking a solution through the mode of online astrology consultation. With these services comes long term relationship with us as the team works very closely for a long duration with you. Check the various services and consultations given below provided by Astrosatva.

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    Marital Dispute – “Cause Identification” and “Elucidation"

    Marital problems are quite common and can happen for a variety of reasons among couples. In some cases, the issue might lead to divorce. In some cases, the problems are resolved provided husband and wife – both are willing to try to address the issues. Majority of the time this effort

    Relationship Stress Eradication

    Mental peace, emotional stability, creative contributions, and enjoyable life are possible if one is blessed with supporting relations which cover all relationships including with parents, siblings, friends and the intimate relationships. The intimate relationships cover the marital relationships, romantic relationships

    Defeat Depression

    In this service we perform multiple follow-ups with clients on regular intervals for meditation sessions, to check if the suggested remedies are being performed or not to manage issues at Spiritual & Mental planes, and regular counseling. Majority of the time non-performance of astral remedies becomes the cause

    Astrology Solution for Financial Problem

    Wealth is an important aspect of our life. It may not be the only important thing but it is important to fill up our necessities. Astrosatva consultation services help you to get rid of every financial problems. Sometimes even hard work doesn’t pay off even after making the best efforts and doing every

    Astrology Solution for Medical Problems

    A healthy mind only stays in a healthy body. Our elders always tell us to take care of their body-related dilemmas time to time. Everyone wants to remain physically fit and want to achieve all the body goals, therefore they keep visiting doctors for their regular body check-ups and spend the most time in and

    Astrology Solution for Career Problems

    Struggles never end but still to lead a less struggling life we need to have a decent job and salary. And to get a satisfactory life we study hard, spend lakhs of money to get degrees. We complete courses and diplomas but still sometimes get lagged in achieving our dream job. Different reasons can cause a

    Horoscope Analysis by Astrosatva

    online astrology consultation

    Astrosatva is the Counselling centre founded by the Astrologer Aman Deep Saini in Noida, Delhi. He started practicing astrology at the age of 19 as his hobby and interest but now has come too far with his best proficiency and many years of experience. He deals with all astrology-related topics and

    horoscope today astrological prediction

    Astrology Solution for Business Problem

    Businesses have reached heights in recent years as more and more young minds are becoming entrepreneurs and also achieving success in it. So nowadays businesses have grown enormously.

    For many years people believed that working under someone and getting salary or wages

    kundali online

    Astrology Solutions for Love Problem 

    Love is a small but compelling word that is regarded as the most wonderful feeling, experience, and gift of life. An individual feels the happiest when he or she gets that one true love of their life. When we are in love, we feel that there is someone who will never judge us and will stand by us 

    Benefits Of Online Astrology Consultation

    Online Astrology Consultation has become a trend these days as people are getting promising results. It has solved millions of people’s problems all around the globe from the comfort of their homes.

    • Is your life facing some hardships?
    • Are your efforts going into waste?
    • Do you need a second opinion?
    • Juggling between your work and your personal problems?
    • Marriage prediction – arrange or love?

    Astrology Consultation on Phone is a one-stop solution with enormous benefits –

    Choose The Best Astrologer – Choosing the best astrologer according to your need and requirements who actually give effective results has become easy for people. Through online portals, now people can easily go through the reviews of different astrologers and their consultation fees and choose one for their service.

    Easy telephonic consultation – No hassle to spend time and money to go places. Schedule appointment by call and 24/7 helpline. It saves a lot of effort by saving people’s transportation costs and providing effective remedies for their life problems

    Privacy – Speak about your problems without worrying about privacy.  Family disputes, business problems, job problems marriage problems, life problems everything and all are kept private and confidential.

    Confidence – Astrology gives you new hope in your difficult times by providing the correct remedies and accurate results. Astrology gives positivity and Future instructions.

    Choice – Pick the astrologer from any part of the world according to your budget and your need without burning a hole in your pocket.

    Thanks to these Best Astrologer In Delhi NCR who are trained and knowledgeable  And always come with quick prediction remedies and overall reading.  Horoscope matching, Kundali, today’s horoscope, transit today has become so convenient with these online astrology consultation services.

    Visit our YouTube Channel for knowledgeable free video content.

    What Our Customers Say About Us?

    FAQ For Services

    Why should we believe in astrology?

    Astrology works on each and every human being equally whether anyone believes it or not. It’s like “gravity”. Even if anyone believes in gravity or not it continues to equally work on everyone. Moreover, astrological principles when applied on any horoscope, and analysed scientifically, we get accurate results which really help mankind in living a happy life.

    What is the birth chart?

    A birth chart is a map of heavenly bodies printed on a piece of paper depicting planetary positions in Zodiac. Birth chart primarily indicates general trend and significant life events through planetary placements and upcoming periods.

    What does an astrologer require for creating a horoscope?

    An astrologer may require only three things to create a horoscope i.e time, date and place of birth.

    Why AstroSatva for astrology consultation?

    The founder of AstroSatva, Astrologer Aman Deep Saini is a renowned astrologer in Delhi NCR and has a total of 20+ Years of experience. He is a Member of the Systems Institute of Hindu Astrology (SIHA), Gurgaon, India & a Member of the International Institute of Predictive Astrology (IIPA), USA. He provides the most genuine and satisfying astrology solutions to the problems that his clients might be facing.

    How much experience does Astrologer Aman Deep Saini have in Astrology?

    Astrologer Aman Deep Saini has experience of more than two decades in the field of astrology. He has served many clients by guiding them with horoscope analysis and has students across world who are learning astrology from him.

    How to book a consultation with Astrologer Aman Deep Saini?

    A consultation can be booked via website page. Required details that one shall share are date, time, and place of birth along with area of concern.

    How soon shall you contact us back?

    We get back to you as soon as possible. At the max one shall get a response from us within 2 to 4 hours max tentatively on a business day.

    Can I meet Astrologer Aman Deep Saini face to face?

    Interested people can book an appointment with him to have a face to face interaction.

    Can astrology predict the future?

    Depending on the planetary placement in a horoscope, one can definitely peek into future timeline. The birth chart not only has planetary placements, but it also has planetary periods table which help us in identifying trend of upcoming time for a native. The role of planetary transit movement also plays a significant role in predictions.

    Can you help get rid of Manglik Dosha?

    Before we talk about solution of Manglik Dosha, first it’s important to understand briefly about this Dosha. As of now there are several myths about this dosha in society and some people take benefit of this misconception about Manglik Dosha. Not everyone actually go through negative implications that Mars would primarily give to someone who is really affected by Manglik Dosha. Primarily, the identification of Manglik Dosha in a horoscope has the answer to this. If, for example, one goes with general placement principle of Mars in specific houses, then more than 50% of the population might be Manglik for one reason or the other. Hence, one must first learn the proper way of Manglik Dosha identification. And once identified properly, we can surely help in nullifying the ill effects of it.

    Can you solve the problems of my married life?

    People face marital issues for multiple reasons which are clearly indicated in the natal horoscope. As it goes for any problem, once the proper diagnosis is done, one can surely find solutions for such issues. The same thing is applicable for marital issues also. Once we help you in identifying the root cause of marital issues, we also help you to overcome such issues by suggesting proper remedies.

    Can I buy Gemstones from Astrologer Aman Deep Saini?

    Primarily Astrologer Aman Deep Saini gives his recommendation about gemstones that are suitable for the native. The proper identification of gemstones is the first step towards successful life and managing planetary strengths. Once this identification is done, we do provide authentic and genuine gemstones to clients.

    Astrology works on each and every human being equally whether anyone believes it or not. It’s like “gravity”. Even if anyone believes in gravity or not it continues to equally work on everyone. Moreover, astrological principles when applied on any horoscope, and analysed scientifically, we get accurate results which really help mankind in living a happy life.

    A birth chart is a map of heavenly bodies printed on a piece of paper depicting planetary positions in Zodiac. Birth chart primarily indicates general trend and significant life events through planetary placements and upcoming periods.

    An astrologer may require only three things to create a horoscope i.e time, date and place of birth.

    The founder of AstroSatva, Astrologer Aman Deep Saini is a renowned astrologer in Delhi NCR and has a total of 20+ Years of experience. He is a Member of the Systems Institute of Hindu Astrology (SIHA), Gurgaon, India & a Member of the International Institute of Predictive Astrology (IIPA), USA. He provides the most genuine and satisfying astrology solutions to the problems that his clients might be facing.

    Astrologer Aman Deep Saini has experience of more than two decades in the field of astrology. He has served many clients by guiding them with horoscope analysis and has students across world who are learning astrology from him.

    A consultation can be booked via website page. Required details that one shall share are date, time, and place of birth along with area of concern.

    We get back to you as soon as possible. At the max one shall get a response from us within 2 to 4 hours max tentatively on a business day.

    Interested people can book an appointment with him to have a face to face interaction.

    Depending on the planetary placement in a horoscope, one can definitely peek into future timeline. The birth chart not only has planetary placements, but it also has planetary periods table which help us in identifying trend of upcoming time for a native. The role of planetary transit movement also plays a significant role in predictions.

    Before we talk about solution of Manglik Dosha, first it’s important to understand briefly about this Dosha. As of now there are several myths about this dosha in society and some people take benefit of this misconception about Manglik Dosha. Not everyone actually go through negative implications that Mars would primarily give to someone who is really affected by Manglik Dosha. Primarily, the identification of Manglik Dosha in a horoscope has the answer to this. If, for example, one goes with general placement principle of Mars in specific houses, then more than 50% of the population might be Manglik for one reason or the other. Hence, one must first learn the proper way of Manglik Dosha identification. And once identified properly, we can surely help in nullifying the ill effects of it.

    People face marital issues for multiple reasons which are clearly indicated in the natal horoscope. As it goes for any problem, once the proper diagnosis is done, one can surely find solutions for such issues. The same thing is applicable for marital issues also. Once we help you in identifying the root cause of marital issues, we also help you to overcome such issues by suggesting proper remedies.

    Primarily Astrologer Aman Deep Saini gives his recommendation about gemstones that are suitable for the native. The proper identification of gemstones is the first step towards successful life and managing planetary strengths. Once this identification is done, we do provide authentic and genuine gemstones to clients.