
Learn vedic astrology through astrology course online. Online astrology course helps to learn jyotish course through professional astrology course and one can learn indian astrology course quickly and can become an expert through jyotish shastra course. 

About AstroSatva

If I can do it, You can also do it!

Online Jyotish Course

Welcome to the world of Online Jyotish

Hello my friend

My name is Aman, and I am fully qualified andAstrologer Aman - an Expert in Online Jyotish Courses based on Vedic Astrology expert in Vedic Astrology. I will be your friend, guide and teacher handholding you throughout this Online Jyotish course.

I started learning astrology as a hobby when I was a teenager. I started my career in Information Technology field and served a couple of organizations later. This exposure to IT environment gave me the experience to deal with big data sets, varied applications & users. The knowledge about computers, software, and managing data along with the knowledge of astrology has always helped me in handling things properly to help all my clients who come to seek astrological guidance.

How it all started

Before we proceed, let me share with you how I was first attracted and later got deeply interested in this field. How and when I started learning astrology and about my complete astrological journey.

The year was 1993 and I was a teenager then. Just passed out from my school and joined my Graduation course. This course gave me an exposure to computers which was a big thing then. I started working on the computers and became familiar fast. Soon, I enrolled for the advanced computer course as well.

During my computer classes, I observed that a fellow student used to print horoscopes using some software program for his friends after the class. Please remember that in those days, the computers were not available to everyone, and this printer was a Dot Matrix Printer. Out of curiosity, I also asked him to print one for me. Before that day, I could not have imagined that some chart on a piece of paper can tell us about our life’s strengths and challenges.

Interest & Involvement got Deeper

The more I looked at the charts, the more it fascinated me. I slowly got interested and started exploring about the world of astrology. This was way back in year 1993, when computers were very new in India. Internet accessibility was out of imagination for a common student like me. To fulfil my quest, I went to market and bought a few classical astrology books. I started exploring them in the night before going to bed.

As I explored more, my involvement got deeper. Sleep became less, reading time grew more. Still remember completing reading 3 fat books just in one week’s time. But tell you the truth, I was still reading them like I used to read story books. I could understand only some things and I could not realize other things at all. So I went to the local library on the following Friday. I brought back some more books from the library and read them as well in the next 15 days.

Someway, I was still not at all satisfied with whatever I had read by that time. My arsenal of these books had left me overwhelmed, excited and somewhat confused as to how to proceed further. In the next 5 weeks, I had finished reading all astrology related printed material available at the neighborhood libraries.

Transformative Revelations

What to do next? In my quest, I turned towards different book shops in different markets. On my third visit to the market, few books on astrology by Professor V K Chaudhary, which were stacked together, caught my attention. I bought only one and came back. I still remember, it was a weekend and I started reading. This was definitely different. By Sunday afternoon, young Aman had flipped the last page of that book.

My next visit to the market brought me back with 2 astrology books by professor V K Chaudhary. I had started as a lay-man without any background of astrology and I continued reading his books as well as a few others that I would get hands on at whatever time. Soon, I was scribing charts on rough sheets of paper while flipping book pages. Starting as a layman after watching someone printing a horoscope on a printer, I reached a level where I could analyze the horoscopes of my family and friends – with accuracy. 

Professor VK Chaudhary had in his books, made astrology so easy as a subject, that a student like me was able to understand the subject thoroughly. I can analyze any horoscope in the shortest possible time as on today. Since that day I have read exhaustive study material, journals, books on astrology, classical texts and what not to enhance my knowledge in the field of astrology to the best of my ability and this nature of exploration has helped me a lot in helping several people.

The more I got involved, I was further getting evolved.

Astrological factors do matter

The strength of planets in our horoscope is indeed required for any individual to digest and understand the knowledge. But persistent efforts and regular study is the key to success.

After analyzing hundreds of horoscopes, I realized that everyone has come to mother earth with a purpose. During my reading and practicing astrology for more than two decades now, I realized that I have been sent here with a purpose. I was already reading horoscopes professionally all these years. The greater purpose seemed to be able to share the gained astrological knowledge with others, so that more individuals with same interest can make use of this divine knowledge. 

Now that I have reached this level and still continuously enhancing it, it is my task and duty to take forward this lineage of teaching others by making the subject easier for them to understand and practice, and for them to quickly touch the level where they can by themselves analyze their own horoscopes.

On this journey of learning astrology, I also learnt Numerology, Palmistry, Vastu and other systems of Astrology like K P Astrology (Krishnamoorthy Paddhati), KCIL (Khullar Cuspal Interlinks Theory) and also read classical texts and classical astrology books by noted authors like BPHS (Brihat Parashar Hora Shastra), Bhartiya Jyotish by Nemichand Shastri, Brihat Jatak, Brihat Sanhita, Saravali, Uttar Kaalamrita, Nakshatra Chintamani by Chandrakant R. Bhatt, many books by B V Raman, Jyotish Kaumudi, and many others. Analyzed thousands of horoscopes during this two decades period and served thousands of satisfied returning clients.

The techniques that I have learnt and now teach is methodical and refined in its true sense. The principle driven approach always wins. Hence, I call this system as “RASAYAN” – Refined Analytical System of Astrological Yogas and Nakshatras. “Rasayan” – in Sanskrit means “Essence”. The astrological knowledge in the form of an essence prepared for you to learn at a faster pace.

Online Jyotish is the way to go…

Astrology is the most accurate stream available as of now to understand the Karma theory, challenges, and strengths of anyone’s life and then guide people about how to lead a happy life. Couple of years back, when subject experts wanted to share their knowledge, they used to do so by writing books. But now, times have changed. There are new platforms to share knowledge. Online teaching is getting more acceptance globally. 

Hence, in my view online jyotish courses are the best way to share with you what all I have learnt. The online jyotish course not only has video lectures but also offers the written material in the form of eBook which you can read along with lectures and speed-up your learning process.

All set to start your journey? Start with Fundamental Course Enroll Today…. See you in the online jyotish course lectures.

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All the best for your Online Jyotish learning …

Teaching Since 2011

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