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Can Astrology Help A Person To Overcome Depression?

Can Astrology Help A Person To Overcome Depression?

Depression could be a wide unrolled upset that step by step makes someone isolated from the outer world and additionally incorporates a negative impact on physical health. Accumulation of terribly tiny anxiety problems, being anxious, lack of sureness, failure in relationships, mood swings and panic attacks could end in depression once an explicit amount of your time. You can meet the best astrologer in Delhi NCR who can help you in getting out of your problem. Mood, emotions, and nature are the most factors touching this case. All of those factors are controlled by the transition of planets, constellations and alternative heavenly bodies to an explicit extent and therefore we should draw attention to that.

Our mind and soul are controlled by the Moon, Mercury and also the Sun and their position in unpleasant homes like sixth, eighth and twelfth could result in mental instability and internal chaos of our mind. Our sentiments are ruled by the Moon and therefore it shouldn’t cross paths.

Astrological Remedies To Help You Bear With Depression And Anxiety:

1. Online gemstone recommendations

You can consult an astrologer to strengthen your fifth house for improving your emotional and intellectual ability. You may get gemstone recommendations as well. And you can know more about gemstones further:-

  • Bronzite also known as the stone of centred energy can deviate your mind towards positive thinking and align your thinking method.
  • Pink Oval, the therapist stone can assist you to overcome traumas, emotional wounds and can assist you to cut back anger and centre your energies towards forgiveness.
  • Amethyst helps you develop positive intuitions and helps within the mental cleansing method. it’s wedged with energies of sense organ chakra.
  • Tiger’s eye, this crystal helps to fix our emotional disconnections.
  • Yellow Quartz alates your decisive skills, and most significantly, it will increase the sensation of self-worth that is one of the foremost important factors that helps to cure depression.

Depression and anxieties are problems that require to be brought into the limelight and cured. Healthy Mind results in a healthy lifestyle. 

You can get professional gemstone recommendation online from a proficient and well-trained astrologer who is experienced in getting appropriate remedies and solutions for their clients each problem. 

2. Qualities of a Professional Astrologer

If you are in a need of a professional astrologer and you are in a dilemma that who can be your ideal astrologer?

So below are some points that may help you determine a professional astrologer who will help you in coming out of your depression. So, the qualities of a professional astrologer are:

  • A perfect astrologer has a knowledgeable consciousness and is away from earning extra money for him, but instead is genuine and honest even when providing astrology consultation on phone.
  • He/she should be empathetic towards his/her client and should be a good listener as well.
  • A professional will always be curious about his subject and will always be a learner and practitioner of his/her field. 
  • A good astrologer should be certified by a reputed institution. One should not brag about his theoretical knowledge. 
  •  A professional astrologer will not only predict your chart for the future but will also predict it accurately and precisely.


Horoscope will reveal a human state of mind, behaviour, and external nature. someone feels depressed after they are mentally weak, and therefore the vital issue to notice here is that the softest planet Moon is suffering from Rahu-Ketu & Saturn. Once a person’s Moon is weak in their horoscope, obstacles & failures begin locomotion and therefore the person isn’t ready to overcome a similar problem and starts feeling depressed. Moon underneath any planet’s influence weakens the psychological state of someone, seeing a horoscope, an honest prognosticator will establish the time of Dasha’s in a person’s horoscope and guide them to the solution/remedies to beat this case before time with prejudicial and baneful planets like Saturn, the Sun, Hindu deity and Mars and neither ought to it’s placed alone in any house.

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